Mindful Morning (Online) | Birthday Bash
Celebrating 2 YEARS, 2 FLOORS
From 7th to 11th December 2020 we are organising a series of Events to celebrate our 2-year anniversary at the Tessinerplatz
Mindful Morning | Breathing techniques & Meditation at work
with Community Member & Coach Melanie Stalder from ShantiShanti Corporate Yoga
This morning Meditation is designed to give you a glimpse into some breathing and meditation techniques you can use to help you manage stress and to increase your health and well-being at work. Invest 30 min in you!
ONLINE via Zoom:
- https://zoom.us/s/94667591513?pwd=UFJiUS9rVnA1OURwTG8zbVFFaEVTdz09#success
- ID: 946 6759 1513
- PW: 013723